395. Benedict Cumberbatch i Cannes 2019
14 maja 2019 roku na lotnisku w Nicei Benedict Cumberbatch i jego wspólnik Adam Ackland z Sunny March zostali spostrzeżeni w drodze do Cannes, gdzie poza festiwalem filmowym odbywa się także poszukiwanie sponsorów i dystrybutorów dla różnych projektów filmowych.
Poza tym fotograf Greg Williams wykorzystał swój czas i zrobił Benedictowi kilka zdjęć...
via Greg Williams:
#benedictcumberbatch emerges from the sea at Eden Roc at the Hotel Du Cap during the @festivaldecannes Benedict had been wearing his Producer hat alongside @adamackland for their production company #SunnyMarch See more shots from today by clicking on the link in my bio #seemoreonvero #gregwilliams #gregwilliamsphotography #leicaq2
via Adam Ackland:
via Greg Williams:
#benedictcumberbatch underwater in the Eden Roc pool at the Hotel Du Cap during the @festivaldecannes When not relaxing in the pool Benedict has been wearing his Producer hat alongside @adamackland for their production company #SunnyMarch:
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Poza tym fotograf Greg Williams wykorzystał swój czas i zrobił Benedictowi kilka zdjęć...
via Greg Williams:
#benedictcumberbatch emerges from the sea at Eden Roc at the Hotel Du Cap during the @festivaldecannes Benedict had been wearing his Producer hat alongside @adamackland for their production company #SunnyMarch See more shots from today by clicking on the link in my bio #seemoreonvero #gregwilliams #gregwilliamsphotography #leicaq2
via Adam Ackland:
via Greg Williams:
#benedictcumberbatch underwater in the Eden Roc pool at the Hotel Du Cap during the @festivaldecannes When not relaxing in the pool Benedict has been wearing his Producer hat alongside @adamackland for their production company #SunnyMarch:
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